Recently, on January 3, 2025, the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors (BOD) of Construction Joint Stock Company 47 (HOSE: C47) paid a visit and worked at the Nam Neun 1 construction site in the Lao PDR on the beginning of the new year. This was an important activity demonstrating C47 leadership’s strong commitment to accelerating the construction progress and ensuring quality and safety standards throughout the project implementation process.

During the working program, Chairman Pham Nam Phong and Deputy Chairman Le Dong Lam conducted field visits and inspected important items within the project’s construction plan. Thanks to the experienced workforce and a large number of new, modern, and synchronized equipment chains, along with close supervision from the Company’s leadership, especially the BOD, the site has completed many items to date, including: 100% completion of the flood spillway cover removal, Completion of excavation at the outlet of the diversion tunnel, Construction of 12 executive office buildings and 2 worker houses; Completion of installation of the construction power system to the camp area, the TC6 construction power line, and power supply to Quarry 4A for stone crushing operations; Completion of the construction and domestic water supply system, leading water from elevation +486m to the auxiliary mixing station and camp area; Excavation work at the diversion tunnel inlet reaching elevation +394m. Currently, the site is swiftly constructing the housing and working area for the Investor and continuing to install the construction power system for the outlet area of the diversion tunnel and the energy line.

The Nam Neun 1 hydropower project is designed with 2 units, with a total capacity of 124MW, located in Ban Phianghong, Muang Nonghet, Xiengkhuang Province, Lao PDR, invested by Nam Neun 1 Hydropower Co., Ltd.,. This project holds significant importance for the Investor, requiring strict quality and construction progress standards, thus demanding the contractor to organize construction scientifically, methodically, urgently, and with the highest responsibility.

Besides the Nam Neun 1 Hydropower Project, C47 is currently executing several large projects, including: Nam Phak Hydropower Project (Laos); Hoa Binh Hydropower Plant Expansion Project (Hoa Binh Province, Vietnam); Coastal Road Project section Cat Tien – Diem Van (Binh Dinh Province, Vietnam); Ka Zam Reservoir Project (Lam Dong Province, Vietnam)…