On September 8, 2024, at the 11th floor Hall of Hai Au Bien Cuong Hotel, No.8 Bien Cuong Street, Quy Nhon City, Binh Dinh Province, Construction Joint Stock Company 47 (HOSE: C47) held a meeting on the occasion of the Company’s establishment anniversary towards the 50th Anniversary (September 8, 1975 – September 8, 2025).

Attended at the Ceremony were representatives of People’s Committee of Ngo May Ward, Nguyen Van Cu Ward; Representatives of leaders of BIDV Bank – Binh Dinh Branch, BIDV Insurance Company – Binh Dinh Branch, Vu Phong Energy Group JSC, Green Energy Consulting and Construction JSC (Quang Tri), etc. On C47’s side, included members of Board of Directors (BOD), Executive Board, former leaders of the Company, Audit Committee, Cost and Contract Control Board, Party Executive Committee, Grassroots Union Executive Committee, managers of affiliated units, representatives of the Company’s employees.

Construction Joint Stock Company 47 was equitized from Construction Company 47, the predecessor of Zone V Mechanical Construction Team, established on September 8, 1975. Officially equitized from July 1, 2005 with stock code C47. After nearly 50 years of establishment and development, C47 has always affirmed its position in production and business activities which highly appreciated by the Owners and the Government. Currently, C47 is undertaking the construction of large-scale projects nationally and internationally such as: Hoa Binh Hydropower Plant Expansion Project (Hoa Binh province), Phu Phong Dam Project, Cat Tien – Diem Van Coastal Road Project (Binh Dinh province), Ta Hoet Reservoir Project, Ka Zam Reservoir Project (Lam Dong province), Nam Phak Hydropower Project, Nam Neun 1 Hydropower Project (Lao PDR), etc.

Over the past half century, with the achievements, the collective of C47’s employees has been honored and proud to receive many noble awards from the Party and the State such as: First-Class Labor Medal in 1997, Second-Class Independence Medal in 2011, especially in 2000 the Company was honored to receive the Title of Labor Hero in the Renovation Period. This is a noble award, a great achievement that the collective of the Company’s employees always cherish, preserve and promote.

Continuing the heroic tradition throughout the past half century, despite facing many difficulties and challenges in the production and business process, under the close guidance of the BOD, the Executive Board and the supports from the Owners, the Government, the domestic and foreign partners, especially the companionship and sharing of the collective of the Company’s employees, always united in determination to overcome all difficulties and hardships to successfully complete the annual production and business tasks set by the Company’s leaders.
In order to continuously raise the quality of management work, improve the quality of the management and executive officials to improve the Company’s business efficiency, the BOD for term (2020-2025) has decided to appoint some positions of Head and Deputy Head of functional departments.

To promptly encourage the spirit and recognize the outstanding contributions of collectives and individuals. At the meeting, the BOD and the Executive Board commended and rewarded two collectives and ten individuals who had excellently completed their tasks and contributed to the Company’s business results in the first 6 months of 2024.

At the Ceremony, to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the establishment of Construction Joint Stock Company 47 (September 8, 1975 – September 8, 2025), the Company’s Executive Board and the Trade Union launched the production and business emulation (1 year from September 1, 2024 – August 31, 2025) to ensure 100% completion of the set plan.